30 Fascinating and Fun Dog Facts.
30 Fascinating and Fun Dog Facts.
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30 Fascinating and Fun Dog Facts
Although we know we might be biased, we at the AKC never stop learning about dogs. We can find statistics from the AKC database, new studies on dog behavior, and even cool facts about dogs' remarkable physical and mental abilities. Some of these may be familiar to you, while others might not. We think that all of them will be interesting. These are 30 funny facts about dogs.
1. For 30 years, the Labrador Retriever has been a top 10 most beloved breed on AKC's Top 10 List. This is longer than any other breed.
2. Dogs' nose prints are unique just like people's fingerprints.
3. Fourty-five percent (45%) of American dogs sleep in the bed of their owners.
4. Talking about sleeping, all dogs dream but senior dogs and puppies dream more often than adult dogs.
5. 75% of holiday card holders sign the name of their dog.
6. Dogs' sense of smell are legendary. But did you know that their nose contains as many as 300,000,000 receptors? A human nose, on the other hand, has approximately 5 million.
7. Rin Tin Tin Tin, the famed German Shepherd, was nominated to an Academy Award.
8. Dogs' noses are capable of sensing heat/thermal radiation. This is why blind and deaf dogs still hunt.
9. Only one breed, the Beagle, that was among the five most beloved breeds in 1934 is still in the top five.
10. Collie is a name that means "black". (Collies used to tend black-faced sheep.
11. Contagious yawning can even be transmitted to dogs. Research has shown that a dog's yawning can be triggered by the sound of a human's yawn. It's four times more likely that it will happen if it's the sound of a human yawn.
12. The Dandie Dinmont Terrier was named after a fictional character, Guy Mannering.
13. To protect their organs, dogs curl up in a ball while they sleep to protect them. This is a holdover from their wild days when they were more vulnerable to predator attacks.
14. Technically, the Basenji isn't "barkless," like many people believe. They can yodel.
15. The Australian Shepherd isn't actually from Australia. They are an American breed.
16. ... The Labrador Retriever was originally from Newfoundland.
17. When a dog is petted, the blood pressure of humans drops. Dogs' blood pressure also drops when they pet a dog.
18. The United States has more pet dogs than any other country, with over 75 million.
19. One is known as a Beagle hunter.
20. Dogs can see colors. Dogs can see both blue and yellow.
21. All puppies are born deaf.
22. Dalmatians are born entirely white and eventually develop spots.
23. Dogs can have around 1,700 taste buds. Humans have approximately 2,000 to 10,000 taste buds.
24. Dogs don't kick back when they have to go to the toilet. They do so to mark their territory with their scent glands.
25. Recent research shows that dogs are one of a few animals who freely show unselfish kindness to others, even if they don't get any reward. Dog lovers know this fact well.
26. The Norwegien Lundehund, the smallest dog breed, is used for puffin hunting.
27. Greyhounds are able to beat cheetahs during a race. Although cheetahs are twice as fast than greyhounds, they can only run at 70 mph for around thirty seconds. Greyhounds can run at 35 mph for approximately seven miles. The cheetah might be the first to go, but the greyhound will quickly catch up.
28. The Bloodhound's senses of smell are so precise that they can be used in court to prove their track.
29. While some dogs are larger or smaller than others, the Guinness World Records declares that Zorba, a Mastiff, is the largest ever dog. Zorba weighed in at 343 pounds and was over 8 feet tall from his nose to the tip of his tail. Zorba was described as about the size and shape of a small donkey.
30. Miracle Milly, a Chihuahua, was the Guinness World Records' smallest ever recorded dog. Milly was just 3.8 inches tall when she was born in 2011 and weighed one pound.
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